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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blanket Apology

To the lady waiting impatiently behind me in the checkout line at Zellers:your loud sighs were heard and I apologize for making your wait longer but I needed to pick up all my change and credit cards I had flung across the floor. Your staying out of my way and allowing me to pick up all my change alone was much appreciated. this lack of empathy was only upped by the gentleman who stepped over the 24 bottles of water I had set free while trying to open my car door. Thank you for kicking the bottles out of your way. I would have felt terrible had you tripped over them. Last but not least my apologies to the neighbor who gazed awestruck as I exited my car through the obstacle course that is our garage much like a snake exterminator navigating tall grass. Your concern for my well being was appreciated. The vision of a sweat soaked, red faced,package laden woman I'm sure was a shocking sight and my response of fantastic was perhaps perceived as less than neighborly. Cranky, frustrated and sweating no longer, I have showered, eaten and embibed. Tomorrow will be better.


  1. Anyone no matter how perfect can show bad behavior.

  2. Kathy....I try to befriend my neighbor but we don' have any, all.. Too bad because she is really a lovely person....c'est moi.


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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada