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Saturday, January 26, 2008


Walked downstairs into the Studio and the sun....the sun was shining on the mirror....and the jewlery, ohhhhh the jewlery was magnificent. ohhhhhh!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My take on the Clip Up Organizer

One of my birthday presents from my best daughter was a Clip Up Organizer. This month anything with label or organizer in the title is my favorite thing. She has hers holding all sorts of beautiful scrap booking papers and its fabulous, alphabetical and everything. Not being a scrapbooker, I have used mine to hold my finished jewelry pieces, also fabulous but in a shiny and glittery way {read better}. I love it! It so works for me. One sample of every style is attached to a large mirror with clear suction cups and the various colors of each sample are displayed in the Clip Up Organizer. I think I need spot lights or something now and It will be perfection. I'm going to take a picture so you all can enjoy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I am going to start tomorrow...really

Final NEED TO DO THING now done. Passports ready to mail, Moms Estate ready to disperse, Everything labeled and organized, closet and drawers sorted, ironing done, mending must paint now. Tomorrow is the day... The OCD diagnosis is wrong I tell you....WRONG.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

To My People At Dymo Labels

On Behalf of neurotic compulsive Capricorns, I wish to thank you and call an end to this the 1st Label Games of this century. On behalf of manic obcessives I will call you again to participate in the 2nd games once I have located refills somewhere in the Western provinces......Bonjour, comment savo.....yadda, yadda, yadda.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let the art happen!

Got going by 5:30 this am. In the Studio, pulling out the good watercolor paper, I was exhilarated with the idea to do some family portraits. Drank another pot of coffee and decided the crystal was looking dim, the china cabinet smudgy, The kitchen was inefficiently organized, and the husbands work area could do with a "clean sweep". Three thirty found me exiled to the basement....something about my stuff is MY STUFF.... I was needing a lay down anyway. Tomorrow I will paint.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Took a break from my compulsive manic labeling state and discovered the incredible blog of Susan Schwake. Her jewlery is oddly addictive. I spent an hour in a trance like state completely in awe of her pieces.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Capricorns heaven, a Dymo Letraset from Santa

The label maker has a sticky A so my files read sort of like this: ddress list,gent file and pin treatments. CRAP!! nd I was doing so good too.

About Me

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada