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Thursday, November 26, 2009

This is how I roll

I finished decorating the basement last Friday...remember the Organic Dude wanted to have a party. Pacing is the key when you are with in days of the expiration date on well worn shoulders. Capricorn that I am, I have a list and everything is calculated, completed and finally crossed off, very different thinking from OD, who advises just serve green smoothies, and cut up veggies with yummmm...coconut oil.So all is on track until OD arranges to have the door into the storage room fixed....then...the carpenter guy calls asking that the boxes be removed from the wall the door is on. If you know about OD's OCD you have now left the room screaming....then he goes to town, yelling, "the guy needs to come tomorrow".Last night I went to bed at 7:00 pm, packed with heat (heating pad) and mellow with drugs....yes I moved the boxes. I have a list damn it!

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada