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Thursday, April 26, 2012


The second best part about visiting the old home town is connecting with good friends that hold the memories of a lot of history. I have not always been a good friend. I have been complacent and did not realize that friendship truly is a living being and must have attention in order to thrive. I have been taught to be a better friend by who else but a friend. Linda, thank goodness is a persistent lady and has learned then lived the friendship formula. This is what she has taught me.....write often. It dosn't need to be a novel. A few words, card, email....a few caring words can take a distance friendship to having coffee while reading the note. Call. The spoken word along with the thank you note has become a benchmark of a generation past. The exchange of the actual spoken word brings friends instantly back in time when confidences were shared, hugs were given and often tears and laughter shared. Make time to visit....this is the making memory part and also the part that procrastinators often loose. as your life quickly tumbles on the regrets I have are often those of not taking a moment....just a moment, to connect with a friend who on my next visit home wasno longer there.

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada