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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good To Know!

The best dadgum thing a studio can have is an unbiased walk through by non artsy folk. Why, you ask? Because...and especially if they are unencumbered by the niceties of manners and stuff, they will tell you what they see and feel in you're sacred space....and you, because your are cool and unattached to your art and sacred space will take it in the generous spirit it was intended. Hmmmm. Last early this morning (3:00 am), I sat, then paced, then frantically awash in a sea of sweat reshuffled stuff and.....they might have been right.


  1. the end you are the one who has to work in your own space...not them...

  2. You, oh Oracle of mine, as usual are right.


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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada