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Friday, February 12, 2010


Yes I am proud to be a Canuck....I am sitting here with a Canadian Flag cheek tattoo (flashback to past conventions) in place, my red mittens on, Poutine ready to bake, Kokane chillin, Canadian flag napkins, glasses, candles, flag and T shirt waiting for friends to arrive and the opening ceremonies to begin.So excited, proud and a bit teary of the beauty that is Vancouver....Let the Games begin.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't the Olympics incredible! I have never been so proud to be Canadian! Here in Vancouver the patriotism was like I've never seen in my life before. I was thrilled that my kids could see that. Made us all grateful for all that we have here in this amazing, beautiful and peaceful country! (Well it wasn't exactly peaceful in the quiet sort of way over the last two weeks, but peaceful in the together, not fighting, sort of way!!!) :-)


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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada