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Monday, May 31, 2010

The day before

Car is loaded, house doors are off, railings removed from the stairs, gate on fence off and washer and drier unplugged and on a much needed break.We now wait for the call to pick up the keys and then we are in. Movers at 10 tomorrow but hope to get the clothes and food in tonight.I will vacuum and clean first to get the dust etc up before the allergy folk touch down.This AM the house looks like a rumble happened during the night so order must be found. Everyone is excited, tired, impatient, unsettled. Lola pup has no bed, toys,or balls and is too......where's the coffee?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The fine art of money transfering

I pause in my packing assignment of the day to reflect on yesterdays passing of the funds.Odd how it took 3 weeks to arrange the complicated transaction referred lightly by the banks as Mortgage transparency of all that is personal.Yesterday it took ....maybe 4 minutes and that was the idle chit chat part to pass over the funds to the Lawyer. The Lawyer cost for that little blip in his day.....@ $1000.00, our peace of mind to confirm that which has been our family focus for 2 months.....PRICELESS.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I hate to shop

News flash....I have just realized how much I hate to shop for clothes. Loosing 30 Lbs is not always a plus. I am in a size range where nothing fits and Nothing is the operative word when it comes to selection and cuteness. Today I am going to go out with my SIL and try again to find some summer duds. May the force.....yadda....yaddda

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ladies who lunch

I have been doing a lot of lunching and talking and sharing and comparing and thinking. It is time to zip it, and quit it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May Long Weekend

The Pit Boss has 6 days off in a row....Electric C, Work Gloves, fresh box of Club Soda and chocolate....ready as I'll ever be. The child labour component are a tad apprehensive but shouldn't be. We come from the work hard and fast in 4 hour spurts protocol, then it's treat yourself to what ever the motivational activity was for that work fest. Seems to work for all of us......lift with your knees people.

Monday, May 17, 2010

10 days to go

What a great weekend we had packing. Slowly the stuff is getting out of its 14 year old nest. The kids are the most amazing people I have ever seen. They help, fetch, water, hug and smile their way through the hot packing day with one or too breakdowns along the way when overwhelmed with the whole ordeal. Just add final papers and exams to that and you are truly in awe of them. I am sure of one thing when I am here and that is that I am loved and cared for in the best possible happy, so blessed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 1

I cannot believe week 1 is over. We packed, ironed, mended,shopped for birthday/ house warming bedding for the now 15 and 17 year olds, attended band concerts, packed, recycled, Motherday lunched where we learned the meaning of the word COITUS (asked by the 15 year old over artichoke dip}, packed some more and tonight do the birthdays supper....whew long week and sentence.

Friday, May 07, 2010


OMG everyone has morphed into a new life long has it been? I see muscles, new short hair cut, a waist........who are these people?

Thursday, May 06, 2010

See you in 5 weeks

Off to the airport to fly to the land of ice and snow (Edmonton). Organic Dude is beside himself with joy at being on his own for 5 weeks. With a grin as big as Texas, he waved goodbye and drove off before I could get in the Airport door. Such affection and devotion the man has for me his beloved. I will pray nightly the house isn't filled with calico quilts, braided rugs and plush toys when I return.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

2morrow...2morrow can't wait

Tomorrow, I will be heading off to Project.....Home for 4. The move will commence. Best of all birthdays, mothers day, family it.

Monday, May 03, 2010

What to take???????

I leave in 2 days and cannot for the life of me figure out what clothing will be appropriate for Alberta in May. I remember the year I took jeans, T shirts, fancy dress up stuff and the temperature never dipped below 28 C.Then last year when I brought Capri's, shells and a cotton sun dress and it snowed. I can no longer borrow from my daughter since she has found the figure I have always dreamed of and now shops at the other end of the rack.. so what I bring I am stuck with. I'm thinking the basic black and white layer look is the best deal. Allah!!! I hate packing.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Remember News From Old Crow?

This is a bluegrass band called Old Crow.....m..e...m..o..r...i...e...s....

Saturday, May 01, 2010

May :Think Twice Speak Once

My work for May is to simply listen more and speak less. I have been guilty of late in saying what comes first to my lips. Thought I had learned my lesson in the 2 years following the Brain Injury when my colorful and uncensored language caused many a friend to light candles and start Prayer Circles in hopes I would be saved. After a brief hiatus the curse has returned and I am once again in need of Dr. Drew....INTERVENTION!

About Me

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada