It began at Christmas in Edmonton, car sick we think, vomiting and listlessness. It resolved once home but 1 week later more vomiting and no eating or drinking. A visit to the Vet, a Naturopathic Practitioner tried, Slippery Elm, for a gastritis, then a heavy metal cleanse for poison, 2 days of home IV to rehydrate, Barium Swallow to eliminate a foreign object blocking her stomach. Then we saw it....a small round object blocking the opening from her stomach to the small intestine.Surgery to remove the ...tada...pistashio in shell....went well and we brought the little thing home. Then the shit hit the fan...seizures every 1-2 hrs for 3 days...We visited the Vet 3 times during that time. Her labs were all within normal range, another mystery. Last ditch effort was Phenobarb last nite that totally knocked her for a loop. She would not wake up this morning and for the second time in this journey we thought she was dead.....but ....not so fast.....she stood, walked, drank, peed, pooped and even watched the geese from her favorite window. At this moment in this journey,I have decreased the Phenobarb,diluted the Toco and remembered to give her the Magnesium, to relax her stomach, before feeding her. She has been wanded tirelessly and walked around her house to orientate her confused brain and praying that we are helping her not hurting her as we wait for her amazing little body to heal itself....day 4...
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