The little black dog's seizures have decreased, the incision healed to the point of no longer hurting,water is being self actualized and with the assist of a squeeze bottle food is staying down if I remember to give her the Magnesium. BUT.....she is no longer the quirky little talker that pushed her way into our hearts. She is altered mentally. Possibly an infarct in her brain during one of the 20-30 grander than grand Grand Mal Seizures experienced in the 3 days immediately following her surgery or the effects of the Phenabarb. The part that breaks my heart is that my baby girl dosn't know me an longer. Her man, she clings to whether it is his voice, smell or touch and she looks for him continually. She is constant care as she no longer knows her environment of 5 years and cannot be left alone at this stage. I am confused as to what her future should be and how good her life is and I am burdened with wanting to do what is right for her. I want to give her more time to rally after this series of traumas and have a flicker of hope she will regain her spirit if possible bits of her silly personality. I will wait. What would you do?
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