What I have learned and remembered throughout this past year,2011.Thank you,Creator for the experiences and lessons and the people you put in my path.This is what I shall carry with me into 2012.
Sometimes in life, you don’t get closure.Make peace with its place in your heart and in your consciousness and move on.Letting go does not mean we don’t care. Letting go simply means we stop trying to force outcomes and make people behave. It means we give up resistance to the way things are, for the moment. It means we stop trying to do the impossible, controlling that which we cannot and instead, focus on what is possible which usually means taking care of ourselves and we do this in gentleness, kindness, and love, as much as possible.
Love generates love. It’s that simple: Love begets love. Though I've known this all my life; I still struggle to put actions to my words with particular people. More work needed here.
When you seize control of yourself and let go of controlling life, life does get much better.Seize control of my thinking,focus on my heart and on myself, and let the chips fall where they may.Live in the moment.
Sometimes the Creator gives ease after difficulty by making you stronger and wiser. What happens is that the difficulty makes us much, much stronger. Then, the difficulty no longer seems like a difficulty. Pain is a great teacher about patience.
Genuine wanting to be happy makes one happier.
You should value and take care of your friends.You build a friendship, you make it grow, and you appreciate it. (thankyou, Linda)
I will never be thin.
My birthday always makes me sad. It is so hard to say good by to the year past, the lessons learned and such a leap of faith to embrace the year ahead.
Happy New Year Dear reader and may you go forth and prosper in 2012.
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Blog Theme 2012
I am thisclose to confirming my 2012 theme. You might think....stupid idea, theme for the year, but try it yourself. It does make a difference especially if you focus on your goal daily as I do through this Blog. Announcement to be made January first.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Christmas Past
Huh!!! It's over? Why are all the best of times so fleeting? We drove for 10 hours, arriving to open arms and endless perfect dinners, snacks and Pounce games.I always feel so loved when I am with this family and so when I leave to return home feel very empty and lost. They put their lives aside for us and give us their beds, let the little black dog out and do not make us feel really bad when the LBD is sick in their Living room, hallway, bedroom and everywhere else. Christmas was not fun for the LBD and her life has a Vet visit in her near future. Perhaps she is also home sick for our little family.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Boxing Day Best is a Tie
In an Earlier Time, when all was right in Laurie and my world, it was arranged we would pick up Nadia at 7:00 AM, get coffee and hit the Boxing Day Sales starting at Southgate.It was not a fly-by-night maneuver. We were dressed in similar bright sweaters,had cell phone capability and brought wheeled bags. We kept in touch throughout the morning and afternoon, alerting each other of much needed sale items. The crowning glory was Michael making us a delicious spaghetti dinner....good times...
The other best Boxing Day...EV..ER has to be the night of Poker Stars.com does Inspector Clousteau. Cast of Players Laurie, Morgan, Dwayne, Grandpa and moi,Madonnart. Essential Props: Large super size bottle of Baily's, and the necessity to spack dans ce longaage avec Monsieu Clousteau. Much later Laurie and I realized we were the only ones spacking and even the dugs were very afraid of us. BUT....OMG did we laugh and were we ever funnyentertaining, sadly we might have been the only ones that thought so....huuummbagger....
The other best Boxing Day...EV..ER has to be the night of Poker Stars.com does Inspector Clousteau. Cast of Players Laurie, Morgan, Dwayne, Grandpa and moi,Madonnart. Essential Props: Large super size bottle of Baily's, and the necessity to spack dans ce longaage avec Monsieu Clousteau. Much later Laurie and I realized we were the only ones spacking and even the dugs were very afraid of us. BUT....OMG did we laugh and were we ever funnyentertaining, sadly we might have been the only ones that thought so....huuummbagger....
Sunday, December 25, 2011
All Time Favorite Country Christmas Memory
We had established our presence in the community by now. The children were in junior High, one working,one wanting to be working when the Dude came up with this fabulous idea. He hooked up the sleigh, decorated it even including a tree with lights bells and music. We pulled out the Santa Claus Suit, fluffed up the beard, shook out my Nurses Cape flipped it to the red side and trimmed it in gold garlands. When Laurie walked in the door,exhausted and smelly from slinging hash at the Country Esso Cafe,we were ready.Small hand made gifts were wrapped and put in a red sack. Laurie was "FORCED" (her memory of the event is a bit different than mine)to dress in brown and wear a set of antlers on her headand a small red ball on her nose. Coco was dressed as an Elf right down to the curled shoes with bells attached.Lady just went as a very nervous and somewhat confused smaller Elf. We headed down the road to spread our Christmas cheer ending up at the house of Coco's best friend Tammy whose mother was wheelchair bound with MS. I recall we almost killed her through laughter. Every stop garnered us hugs all round, cookies for the kids and hot toddies for Santa and myself. I don't remember much after Rankins except It was the best of times and the pictures are epic. Hope your Christmas day is all you want it to be. May you be wrapped in love and joy. Merry Christmas Dear Reader...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Appies
Tradition for my sister-in-law and myself was getting together with a grade school friend Carol, to make Appies. We would divide up the shopping list and arrive goods in hand at Rita's to spend a day of cooking. Recipes were triplied to be divided between the three of us at the end of the day. The best part was looking at my carefully packaged olive cheese balls, chicken cordon bleu, cheese straws,crab quiche,mushroom turnovers,pecan cherry tarts and antipasto and feeling so rich and prepared for Christmas entertaining.The goodies were nestled all snug in their containers safe in the deep freeze until needed to impress visiting friends. Every year, I would open the containers and be surprised when I realized Laurie and Coco had already sampled the tiny, individually constructed,10 hour work day to make ,3 months to save for ingredients to make these very treasured Appies. At the time I was really mad at them for jumping the gun but now it makes me smile and makes me remember the real fun was in making them. It was the best of times....
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Best first Baby Xmas memory
We were living in the apartment on 75Th Avenue and were blessed with our first little girl in August of 1969. We called her Laurie after my father Larry and added Jean with a hyphen for the Dudes favorite aunt. It was the year of our first Christmas as a family and we did not to miss a moment or person so saw every one and went until Laurie called it quits in her own loud way. A solution to ending moments gone wrong she uses still to this day. I can still see this beautiful, exhausted,totally angry 4 month old, dressed in a pink popcorn knit outfit, completely changing the plans of the day in a minute. I still laugh remembering our scurry and flurry to make her comfortable and get her home.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
My favorite prechristmas childhood memory
My mom was always pretty frugal, denying herself so many necessities and pleasures to go carefullcrazy with her Christmas Preparations. Her repertoire was simple and came from her mothers little black hand written cook book and her much treasured Purity Cook Book.Gingerbread men, butter tarts,popcorn balls,and shortbread cookies trialed by my Nana Fuller, adopted by my mother and never duplicated quite as successfully by moi.She only made them once a year and when they were gone they were gone, so she baked generally 2 or 3 days before Christmas. That same week we put up our tree, always a real fir, brought home by Dad on his last hunting trip and always the best tree we ever had.I can still see the alcohol bubbling lights and delicate silver and gold balls sparkling in the basement Rumpus Room. Missing you Nanabanana.....
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Narrowing it down
2011 Theme of No Pain No Gain was....well, painfull and like other themes I tried to implement into my life as a permanent modaoperendae,an agonizing yearly ritual. Now as 2012 calls my name I am again interviewing possible motivating themes of the new year.I feel the pressure that a benchmark year can cause in the importance of making the goal achievable, memorable, enjoyable, and survivable.I am feeling the shakles of Father Time this goround and think the possibility of having 3 themes is likely the prudent way to go. If you know me and are thinking "ABORT PLAN" you my friend are special.
Friday, December 09, 2011
She is everything I could of been had I been brave enough
There is nothing in this world I love more,and am more proud of, than this amazing daughter of mine.
You are: loving,intelligent,funny,talented,compassionate and beautiful.You have an infectious laugh,hair to die for,and an ability to make everyone feel better when you're around. You have always danced to your own drummer, beginning by refusing to wear brightly colored frilly dresses;thus your love affair with shades of gray was launched.You pulled out braids, buns,ribbons and free styled many unauthorized cuts.You dyed your hair plum,black and multi streaks and hid clothes I determined unsuitable for school in your knapsack to change into later once out of my view.You have always loved words and have always spoken your mind, not easily intimidated you stood up to sales people, teachers and even grandma Dot, who terrified me.I can't tell you how many times I have wished I was more like you.You are fearless, determined, and a survivor. You have been through many difficult unimaginable situations and have learned the lessons and grown enormously.You are loving and loved and have embraced the importance of loving and respecting yourself,settling for nothing less from others.You are everything a person can be if brave enough to try.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Freddy! Freddy is that you???
This Canadian kid from Montreal is so close to getting the gig with Queen to go on their Extravaganza Tour.This is his audition tape really sounds like Freddy Mercury but without the stash. His cover of Bohemian Rapsody is amazing as well. Marc has the Christen Band, Down Here and has been around for 10 years professionally.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Kicked out
Bad News.....I have been restricted from using the pool. I completely understand the thinking behind the decision and am grateful for the 3 months I have had being part of the classes. This whole concept of Gated Communities is new and sometimes seems from the outside looking in as small minded governance. In actual fact it makes sense that the Community builds, maintains and financially supports the facility and allowing outside users does not assist the Community as a whole. However.....If it would look at outside users, there by owner invitation, paying for the classes but also adding a user fee as a possibility. I am disappointed on two levels....one; my own loss of facility and friends and two; my BFF, I have been picking up 3 times a week (really people , do you actually think I am driving from the westside,across the bridge when there is a pool 8 blocks from my home because of the pool?} Not likely.I do it out of love for my friend, one of your owners, who has her own medical challenges, both physical and emotional and now will most likely not be motivated to attend the classes and that worries me because I care about her well being. My recommendation to these Gated Communities is to be more forward thinking, more cognisant of their owners needs and embrace flexibility and user options. I would have welcomed the discussion.
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Christmas is in the air
Today, I sat in the sun of the corner window and read while Christmas music played softly in the background and soon I napped and dreamed. I am standing in the living room of my true "home" and looking out over the lake with buffalo carefully slipping and sliding across the ice, I waited for the school bus. Lady was already in her spot under the Journal box laying in the ditch waiting for the girls to arrive home. It was almost 4:30 pm. The first of the Christmas cookies, Thimbles, waited for tasting and hot chocolate was on the table. I had turned on the Christmas lights. I had spent the whole day hanging them on the house and deck, and all the Christmas decorations were out on the tables and walls. It was December 1st.It was the best of times.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ab Fab is back
They (Absolutely Fabulous) aka AB FAB just crack me up every time.....please TV god bring them back in a series before my dementia takes over...
Monday, November 28, 2011
Last ditch option
The relationship I have with the pool is a love hate relationship. I hate suiting up, driving the obstacle course of 97, getting my stiff swollen joints into the cold water and doing it all in reverse again once done. I love the extra strength I feel I have acquired from these wet sessions, love the 3 days a week I spend with my BFF and love the fact that the chlorine has essentially dissolved my ugly bathing suits and I can now shop for something new. As I see it the pros have won.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Trending.... Toe Thongs
It puzzles me and confuses me and yes somewhat distresses me when I get large Toe Thong orders. As you might recall dear reader, my jewelry slave and I whilest playing with my beads and possibly under the influence of Peach Bellini's, developed the design of the Toe Thong. We thought it was a "cute" beach accessory not thinking the Yoga, pool and now Belly Dancing ladies would jump on the Thong bandwagon. So....30 pairs were ordered and with my dear slaves help 30 were made and today 30 were declared SOLD.....Why....why???
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Girl with the Dragon Tatoo
I am patiently waiting for this movie and another called War Horse; both very enjoyed books.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Life In The Fast Lane Not Always Smooth@#@$%$
Sat in traffic 3 hours on the "other side" of the bridge......Joys of expansion...
2nd lane open around interchange - West Kelowna News - Castanet.net
2nd lane open around interchange - West Kelowna News - Castanet.net
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Dula cutness to the 100th power
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Dance Party while Christmas baking
This could only get better if my girls....Sarah and Laurie were with me this morning.....and.....let me say my longer hair rocks out just fabulously...woosh....can't stop moving...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Man....another sleepless night spent with faceless Poker buds with names of Cherry, Candy,Fantasy and 6and9. I made a bit but never saw this elusive hand. This is the dream of all poker players....
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
My most favorite Blog...please visit....and be amazed.
Brian and Vickie are two of the most amazing ecologists I have ever met.Their Blog, The Happy Trappers,lives a life I have dreamed of since I was 8. I love their Philosophy, "We are a Presence on our land there are some people who think it is up for grabs (like our Northwest Passage). We trap in a remote area of Northern B.C. 100 km from the nearest road. We fly in by Beaver Bush Plane and stay here for long periods of time. We are caretakers of the land and this is how we live." They have built their Line Cabins from scratch and gather and prepare recipes from local fare (berries,fish,meat). If you assume they are Thirty somethings trying to find themselves, you would be mistaken. Brian and Vickie are in their sixties and have lived the land all their lives. It is not a recent awakening for them...it is who they are and always have been...Stewards of the land.Thank goodness we have people like this...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thankfull Remembering
This little boy brought back a flood of memories of March Pasts during D's days in the Militia. Those important parades brought tears to my eyes many times when I would see the mix of men from the Young soldiers still in their teens and early twenties to Jake who had served in the early wars, face solemn and tears running down his face.Such sacrifices made for our freedom....thank you...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Beautiful Boy....
Hickstead died of an Aortic Rupture yesterday. He was such an amazing athelete not to mention incredibly handsome horse and best friend to Eric Lamaze.A sad day for Eric and the Canadian Jumping world.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Mexican chocolate chip spicy cookies

On second look these cookies won me over. It was not just the chocolate but the coffee and cayenne that eventually did me in. OMG are they truly a treat....Best with a cup of Autumn Harvest and a bit of creme fresh....yum...
Mexican Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup soft butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup of Brown Sugar
Beat until fluffy
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup melted chocolate chips
1 tsp instant coffee
Add to butter mixture and beat
3 cups of flour
1 tsp Baking soda
2 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp salt
Add to butter mixture and combine well
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Add to cookie mix
Bake at 350 for 12-15 min.
Cool before eating.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
El Dia Del Muretos
Today is a well loved Mexican holiday so dress up, pack a yummy lunch of burritos and Mole and visit the ancestors at the local cemetery.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Jasper is spectacular
The JPL is a beautiful log building. Apparently the Boone and Crockett (Elk antlers largest in the world) was shot by my dad and now hangs above the huge river rock fireplace in the lodge. The building is incredible. The wood work amazing.

We were all given rooms in this row of cabins, front and back doors and beautiful patios with lawn chairs which soon became our happy hour area.

This was our room....very lovely beds with huge pillows....loved it.

We were all given rooms in this row of cabins, front and back doors and beautiful patios with lawn chairs which soon became our happy hour area.

This was our room....very lovely beds with huge pillows....loved it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Proud To be a Nurse
This last week was spent with old friends.....26 old friends from my Edmonton General Hospital School of Nursing. To say the week was special,awesome, emotional,heartwarming and worth every minute spent reminiscing and laughing was certainly an understatement.Most of us worked right to Retirement, or being forced out by Health care budget shortfalls and 4 are still making our class proud. I am so proud to be a nurse and felt the same sentiment from 26 friends. This week I will Photo shop my pics and I know laugh and cry again....and maybe share a few with you,dear reader...so standby.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Need to belong
Do you remember those times when you were in Cabos or where ever and the girls were getting braids on the beach....so you did too even though you had thin hair and a face shaped like a volley ball; or after hours of in depth fun, dancing, laughing you made your calcified joints move at an angle not done since 66. or when someone got the "fun" idea to take all of our bras and tie them to the car aerial and drive through downtown Sprucegrove.....aerials??? old lady talking. My thoughts here are....Group gatherings especially if it's one of my girl friend groups can make you want be a participant instead of just being a listener and so your thinking changes and you begin to see similarities in your life that you never saw before. Pause....Breath...Think...my situation,read relationship, as much as I like to be a joiner may not be THAT situation...remember...love...be generous...
Friday, October 07, 2011
Happy Anniversary to weird us
Thursday, October 06, 2011
There are times when I cannot understand the meaning of and lessons in Life. I am a Capricorn....the scheduler of life events....the Day Timer of all things in life requiring organization....the always there and never shirking pillar of responsibility. I hate lack of commitment, cannot understand failure and will stop at nothing to keep things from falling apart......so..... when people I love run into bumps, bends and destruction of their path of life I am heartbroken for them. In my tiny,controlled world it would devastate me. I would need institutional care and doubt I could use it as a learning life experience. This week I am struggling with my friends broken relationship and imminent move to the east. In this same week I will be celebrating my 44th wedding anniversary and cannot seem to move past the heartbreak of my friends. I only know this for sure....I am blessed to be partnered with my man who must also be like minded in the nevergiveupalwaysworkatit philosophy of our commitments made 44 years ago.....also I realized from the beginning my life not only would be challenged by this man but would be better if he could share it with me...and...I was right.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Estote Fidelis
Always faithful, that's the meaning of Estote Fidelis, my EGH Alumni is calling and a benchmark reunion is on the horizon.The air flights have been made, suitcase outed and now the most difficult....planning the wardrobe for 4 days at the Jasper Park Lodge...I am afraid I will be safely positioned on a veranda with hot or cold Bailey's in hand while watching the more bendy of my classmates hike,paddle,trot,zip line and whitewater their way through God's country....whatever....I will be there.Therein lies the essence of reunions. It is necessary to be present in order to partake. In another 5 years, I fear we will again have changed, mentally, physically, medically and our numbers will deplete further....this year we are 23 out of 60. Three years spent in dormitory housing, under the iron rule of the Grey Nuns of Montreal, scared much of the time into endless recital of the Rosary sealed many friendships and introduced many of us to our eventual spouses. I am sad 33 of my classmates will be missing as I remember in laughter, love and amazement all of you.Try harder in 2016 pleeeeeeze....
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Senior Bashing faux pax
Ok already...I am humbled and contrite by my pool sisters....apparently they have become the next wave of Toe Thong purchasers and have completely marketed me out of the Toe Thong business. The little darlings are requesting more colors, better variety and multiple purchase incentives. So...Rita my bead slave get your butt back here from Portugal and get busy.....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Signs of change
SO!!! I started taking an Aqua fit class with my BFF, Myrle the pearl ummmm 2.5 weeks ago. We are the youngest in the class, right where I like to be situated....however Aqua fit is the name of the class not Aqua Youngest so the line in the sand is not years of life but years of being active....and once again I am straggling and struggling to keep up to the 80 years olds. Not only do they see me struggling to keep afloat doing the suspended chest kicks but the see me limping into class and crawling out of the pool at the end of class and they are looking SMUG.....those thin,fit,happy,full of helpful hints but Ha! older than me Seniors. I win...I have the most metal bits and can still suspend (fancy name for float).
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Free...Free at last....

This week, I bid a fond (absence makes the heart grow fonder)farewell to my Physio family. When you have spent 10 months, 5-3 times a week going to physio, you do become family like with many of the therapists and other regulars. They have made you laugh, cry, bargain, and often yell through the course of treatment. At the end of it all, voila....bendyness results where none was before.So alfederzaine my friends see you another month when we can do a-do-over on the other shoulder/knee/foot/knee....I am an opportunity to the 5th power...yea me...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Last day of summer

Today is likely the last day of the wonderful 34 degree sun filled days, I have been enjoying at the beach. I plan to worship the sun god today in the same tradition I have throughout the past 2 months.....sunscreen, floatation devices,lake, beach, Cervesa, good book and BFF's. Sad to see summer end this year. It has been one of the best, no it has been THE BEST summer ever had and the fact that I resemble a dried up prune in both color and texture is ridiculous...inside I am calm, positive and bendy...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Dancing kind of day
At the beach with the BFF's. celebrating Kathie's birthday girl style....Cervesa, nauchos, peaches and dancin music and believe me it is New Years 2011 all over again. Pics at 10....
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Where were you Sept 7, 1971?
I was 9 months preggers with my second baby. Laurie was a very helpful 2yr old and that morning had painstakingly washed the freshly waxed hardwood floor with her own mix of Old Dutch and dish detergent. Thank goodness my eyes could not take it all in ....that being 9 months pregnant and all any floor had not been totally visible for quite some time. Shortly after floor cleanup the toilet plugged....not a happy event when one is in the early stages of labour as I was at that time. Putting on my Supermom/ wife hat and in the manner of the countless pioneer women eminently about to deliver before me I pressed on..baked a cake, put a roast in the oven and started a batch of bread. The only thing missing was the nest I needed to build. 4pm found me frantically trying to reach the soon to be new father, alerting the grands that they were about to be hosting the 2 year old floor stripper wannabe and contacting the hospital ( now 5:30 pm) that I was on my way....water broken, pressure building, and I need to push damn it ready. The lucky in the wrong place at the right time Med Student stood anxiously gazing at the crowning head of my soon to be second born assured me we had lots of time...HA! I said to that...Ha! and promptly blessed him with his first delivery.....Colleen Margaret (Coco) She would have been 40 today but in my eyes will remain the 19 years old she was when she left us....missed still every single day....loved always and forever....Happy Birthday Muffin.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Please be my guest at the Grand Opening of my New Winners Store. I have waited so long for this welcome addition to my meager shopping choices that I have lurked, taken uncercover pics and accosted workmen over the last months just to be sure my store was a reality.Now, just to convince them it should not be named after Charlie Sheen but after Madonnart.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Summer Summary
Hard to belive school has started, beaches are empty, pears are ready,few friends are left in BnB reservations and Armstrong fair is next weekend. The summer has been fabulous especially wonderfull visitors and epic hot weather. I am brown, berift of creative culinary spectacles, in a Marguerita rehab program and tired of watering the plants. September brings a family reunion in High River and my Nurses Reunion in October and sadly the 20 pounds I hoped to remove throughout the summer is simply water under the dock. Hope your days of sun has been as much fun as mine.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
If Only....
Living the No Regrets, no ifs ands or buts point of view is becoming a pain in the ass. As my OA progression (chronic joint disease) has claimed yet another joint and my orthropedic surgery to do list lengthens, I am feeling the inkling of regret.In light of this moment I pass on these words of wisdom to you, Dear Reader:
Find out what you should weigh for your height and build and get down (or up) to that number as closely as possible. Being overweight can stress your bones and being underweight can damage the hormonal level in your body which can cause long term bone problems.
Move around. You don't have to become an Olympic athlete, but walk, bike, swim, play tennis, garden, dance, or just engage in some form of physical exertion on a consistent basis. Moving around can help make the muscles around your joints stronger and that will help prevent you from becoming just another rusty tin man (or woman) with painful osteoarthritis.
Treat your body gently when you're moving around. The impulsiveness of youth will take its toll on the body and dues will eventually become due, in the form of pain from osteoarthritis and a lessened quality of life. Drive carefully to avoid traffic accidents and chronic injuries. Use suggested safety equipment when engaging in work duties, sports or exercise.
Include good lubricants in your diet, an advantage the Tin Man didn't enjoy. Say no to omega 6 fats and yes to omega 3 fats. Consume one tablespoon olive oil every day and take two capsules of fish oil supplement and one capsule gamma linolenic acid (GLA) supplement with each meal.
Use caution with jobs or regular activities that require repetitive movements of the joints. Have your employer invest in safety equipment (or purchase them yourself) that stresses ergonomics and wear the items consistently.
Consider this PSA my gift to you. Yes I have regrets, don't you.
Find out what you should weigh for your height and build and get down (or up) to that number as closely as possible. Being overweight can stress your bones and being underweight can damage the hormonal level in your body which can cause long term bone problems.
Move around. You don't have to become an Olympic athlete, but walk, bike, swim, play tennis, garden, dance, or just engage in some form of physical exertion on a consistent basis. Moving around can help make the muscles around your joints stronger and that will help prevent you from becoming just another rusty tin man (or woman) with painful osteoarthritis.
Treat your body gently when you're moving around. The impulsiveness of youth will take its toll on the body and dues will eventually become due, in the form of pain from osteoarthritis and a lessened quality of life. Drive carefully to avoid traffic accidents and chronic injuries. Use suggested safety equipment when engaging in work duties, sports or exercise.
Include good lubricants in your diet, an advantage the Tin Man didn't enjoy. Say no to omega 6 fats and yes to omega 3 fats. Consume one tablespoon olive oil every day and take two capsules of fish oil supplement and one capsule gamma linolenic acid (GLA) supplement with each meal.
Use caution with jobs or regular activities that require repetitive movements of the joints. Have your employer invest in safety equipment (or purchase them yourself) that stresses ergonomics and wear the items consistently.
Consider this PSA my gift to you. Yes I have regrets, don't you.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Monday, August 01, 2011
They draw and cook
This is the prettiest and coolist Blog ever. I love the ink wash and graphics. What a super idea for a family cookbook.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Poker Stars
Once again the sweet sound of the shuffle and deal has pulled the family poker greats to the table.They say family bonding is best done around the dinner table....I disagree. It is done with bottomless lime Margaritas in the company of 3 strangers who believe they are checking, calling and raising with friendly (we send drinks) Quebecois femmes. We two are our own entertainment, believing we are funnier than Detective Cousteau and not noticing if no one else at the table is amused. Online poker allows you tell a tale that no one can verify. For years I was Madonna, a freelancing Midwife on call in the wilds of Alaska. A calling that caused me to leave tables with out warning,was responsible for my lack of follow through on bets and made my language very colorful because of long hours spent in the company of rough and rugged air ambulance pilots.In summary online poker is a super way to spend a sleepless night, make a little money, meet an abundance of 15 year old boys masquerading as women with very large breasts and bond with your family.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Secret Project
I have been working on a project that I have kept under wraps for weeks and weeks. It is way out of my comfort zone being that is pretty, trendy and OMG....highly functional. Never the less Today I will take it out of the shadows ; lay it gently into the light box and photograph it .....and yes share it with the likes of you. My fear is that you will find it horribly repulsive or......everyone will want one and as you know, I cannot make 2 the same of anything....learned that with the production of my children.....stand by.....
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Pay it forward
He could of been my son,except I only have girls, or he could have been your son. It really wouldn't of mattered as he was some ones son. We passed him 3 times throughout our girl's day outing to the Jam and Sweet Shop, various Thrift Shop places and finally an early dinner at my fav...The Blind Angler on the beach. Maybe 17-19 years old, really dirty and worn out looking, and carrying a ratty duffel and a well cared for guitar, he looked tired and hungry. He came into the restaurant and was rushed out to the deck where he could read through the menu without offending the delicate sensibilities of us the paying customers. Stares all around and whispers as we all regarded this long hair dreadlocks blond boy....someones son...some with disdain, some with curiosity and others with empathy. He shook his head, thanked the owner and made his way out to the front, first asking to use the washroom.......when he returned much to his surprise his dinner was waiting for him in the far corner of the deck.....any other players of PIF...so much fun.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
More about scam scum
Let me just say again how evil those Scumbags are that hack into Facebook and access your contacts and primary email contact information then wipe the files.Reporting the crime to FB leads to a pleathora of complications starting with lock out of your FB account.Then ensues the neverending volley of messages between moi and the FB Team. I am so done. I can go no further. I am going to close my FB account,wait I can't cause I'm LOCKED OUT %$#@.I am going to the beach to regain my sanity, talk softly to my poor puppy and say I'm sorry to the man in my life for the rants of the last 3 days.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Putting romance into a marriage
It's not the naked man under the apron....though let's think about that for a moment............hmmm. It's not encouraging others in the room to participate in the kitchen cleanup jobs while the hubby shows off his clicker moves.It is not taking the household out for dinner though that should never be discounted as a possible remedy and it is not cancelling the evening meal for cheap Tuesday at the movies where popcorn is the meal of the night. The real turn on is the man who gets up first from the table with dishes in hand. The sound of water running as he rinses and places dishes in the dishwasher and the realization that leftovers are being dealt with in an established household manner.That dear readers is my ultimate turn on and THAT is amazingly what happened after dinner with friends last night.....impressively HOT
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
WTH!!! Just a day after consoling my BFF about a Telephone Scan, where she sent $4500.00 to a grandson in Montreal my address book has been spamed. In advance my friends/readers/family/pissed off peeps I state:
To Summarize: If you recieve this email......it is #$%$#@SPAM*&^%$
To: undisclosed recipients:
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:41 AM
Subject: Hi
Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to Aberdeen, Scotland and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and credit cards in it. The embassy is willing to help by letting me fly without my passport, I just have to pay for a ticket and settle Hotel bills. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to funds without my credit card, I've made contact with my bank but they need more time to come up with a new one. I was thinking of asking you to lend me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in.I really need to be on the next available flight.
I can forward you details on how you can get the funds to me. You can reach me via email or on Blue Island hotel front desk phone, the numbers are, +447031804805 or +447031804806.
I await your response
*****THIS IS SPAM*****
To Summarize: If you recieve this email......it is #$%$#@SPAM*&^%$
To: undisclosed recipients:
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:41 AM
Subject: Hi
Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to Aberdeen, Scotland and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and credit cards in it. The embassy is willing to help by letting me fly without my passport, I just have to pay for a ticket and settle Hotel bills. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to funds without my credit card, I've made contact with my bank but they need more time to come up with a new one. I was thinking of asking you to lend me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in.I really need to be on the next available flight.
I can forward you details on how you can get the funds to me. You can reach me via email or on Blue Island hotel front desk phone, the numbers are, +447031804805 or +447031804806.
I await your response
*****THIS IS SPAM*****
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Church...Catholic dinner theatre
My mind does have a tendency to wander when quiet/bored, and did so with enthusiasm at Mass last nite. I was fortunate enough to have a front row seat and saw what Father Dave did not.....a Probie, 8 yr old,Altar Server, having forgotten the wine goblet, chose to sneak behind father at the Altar and very stealthily slide it in place. Loved the big grin and fist pump that followed. All of this was accompanied with appropriate singing by the congregation, an upbeat Amen, Amen, AHHHAmen....then came the bonus round of the nite.... The lady behind me had a terrific voice, with a distinct country western twang and before you knew it the group of us surrounding her all started singing like natives from Mississippi. Mass is so entertaining some days....mea culpa....mea culpa....mea maxima culpa.....
Friday, July 08, 2011
I am living on a prayer most of the time; particularly since a certain bump on the head left me "addled". The loving term Laurie, aka Tangible uses to explain my "creative ways to others. To set the record straight let me state my philosophy of my use of the English language in.. well, English. I do not believe it is MY responsibility to use spell check. If my trademake style of prose offends, please use Tools, (yes I do know it exists) and correct. Perhaps you are one of "The Others",with the belief that those over a certain golden age should be seen and not heard or in Tangible and BFF's case NOT to both. Finally since the affore mentioned head injury, I do hear voices, music,and static as background noise to life and have decided to make it work for me and speak in the lyrics Of the god, Jon Bon Jovi when ever possible. This will be my one and only explanation for "my ways". I plan to hold on to what I've got...Its my life and I'm not going to live forever...I just want to live while I'm alive...ITS MY LIFE! Oh and the guy I cut off today, then chose to speak clearly to him about his driving skills.....deal!!
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Dear Tangible/ fair weather Blogger
Just a gentle reminder.....it's been 2 months....your readers are waiting.....
Blog. a noun....
a blend of the term web log)[1] is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2]
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging,
Blog. a noun....
a blend of the term web log)[1] is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2]
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging,
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
The best Canada Day ev ver began with the assembly of my Peeps at our house for light refreshments and car assignment, the convoy to Penticton to the new events centre, the excellant seating within reach of the stage and the .....the heart stopping production of La Cirque de Soliel,Dralion OMG, I couldn't breath....the colors stopped my swallow reflex.....all the colors I do my washes with but in fabric, beads, fur.....I need to see it again. I had such an AHA moment...a new jewlery idea. As I write I am off to the studio to sketch and pull colors....go....go see this 2 hours of wonder if you can....Breath.....swallow....breath....swallow....breath....swallow....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Waiting for inspiration
Totally wrong thinking...waiting for ideas before you paint. I remember now....ideas come from being amongst your stuff and simply playing with the canvas and paint...suddenly it happens. The color, the shape, the light, whatever hits your creative source leads you into the subject and you are immediately excited and encouraged...finally you're painting. ALL...LE...LU...IA....
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My name is Madonnart and I am neatness challenged.
OH MAN!!!! I came down to the Studio this morning to a sight that totally validated all those nit picky rumors out there about my working style. Because I am in a painting mode at present, my perfect little work station reflects the creative frenzy; read manic confusion in which I am working. 4 cans of Club Soda in various stages of completion sat at scary angles on the pile of chocolate bar wrappers. Beads are scattered everywhere since that moment yesterday when I flung back my rolly chair in an attempt to high five myself after a particularly nice wash and toppled over 3 containers of beads. I decided...hmm, I kinda liked the way the light sparkled off of the beads on the floor so did not pick them up. This would be amusing I'm sure to those who have shown disdain for all that glitters and my love of it. Sadly,I had set my block down on a tube of E-6000, a remarkably super SUPER glue for beading and had to rip it up, removing the cover of the pad and the surface of the table....validation for all those classes I have taken where glue was involved and I sat alone at a table, and my classmates sat squished all around me. Today, I have taken the pledge of "clean work space". I will pick up, throw out, sort, wipe, put on lids, empty cans, and generally leave my desk at night ready for the next day. My name is Madonnart and I am neatness challenged.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Mortification: Noun: feeling of shame,humiliation,wounded pride.....
Yes....that was me Mortified beyond wordage. I stood in a beam of light, in front of a white wall about to walk 50 steps on a black floor while filmed with a video camera....then forced to examine said footage, commenting only upon my gait. NOT on the fact that my shorts (not my fashion choice by the way) were stuck up my butt....NOR that I was told to tuck my Tshirt inside my waistband, revealing a spectacular muffin top. The cellulite on my thighs was ripply like Lake Okanagan in a wind storm and for some inexplicable reason the veins on my ankles became somewhat iridescent in the high beam I was directed to walk in.....and....NO Laurie the pedicure and leg waxing was not acknowledged or appreciated!
Yes....that was me Mortified beyond wordage. I stood in a beam of light, in front of a white wall about to walk 50 steps on a black floor while filmed with a video camera....then forced to examine said footage, commenting only upon my gait. NOT on the fact that my shorts (not my fashion choice by the way) were stuck up my butt....NOR that I was told to tuck my Tshirt inside my waistband, revealing a spectacular muffin top. The cellulite on my thighs was ripply like Lake Okanagan in a wind storm and for some inexplicable reason the veins on my ankles became somewhat iridescent in the high beam I was directed to walk in.....and....NO Laurie the pedicure and leg waxing was not acknowledged or appreciated!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Why every family needs a Lady
The first puppy did not enter my relationship until the 4 year mark. I thought this was the perfect time as it coincided with a move to the perfect home in the country and our perfect children were turning 3 and 1 years old. Her name became Lady as the children had just seen Lady and the Tramp and what else would you call a perfect blond Boarder Collie puppy? With wonder we watched this little Lady become our duckling herder, chicken wrangler, mouse control ,alarm system, entertainment center, mobile vacuum, effective yet hairy tissue and finally confident and therapist. We loved her through skunk episodes, Porcupine quillings, chicken cravings but a love completely forgiving and without logic. When she got hit by the school bus while waiting for the children's return home we all cried with aching grief already missing seeing her ride in front of the Skidoo or run down a hawk. Much later I realized her true gift was listening, loving and patiently standing close until we were OK.
Monday, June 13, 2011
New invites to my dance card
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Getting it in perspective
Ahhhh POOR POOR ME....that is where I have been stewing this last week after visiting Dr.. News relating to my quickly disintegrating skeletal system has driven me to advise the Dude to seek marital bliss elsewhere. His plan.. was marriage 3 months after my demise but the new news has filled me with compassion and the thought that he will be stuck with picking up after his little work horse is more than I can bear.....so....I went to the bottom of my intestinal fortitude and advised him to cut lose now before it gets ugly. Then I talked to my brother who is waiting for a kidney transplant and goes to dialysis 3 times a week....and I gave myself a swat and a talk about being grateful for the life I have......and I am. So Dude...forget what I said...you're stuck.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Saturday, June 04, 2011
I was adopted when 6 weeks old, bald until 2, toothless until 2 1/2 and needed sugar in some form of chocolate from age 5 and yet SHE continued to love me more and more and more. SHE being my mom, Peggy or as I loved to shout to the world PIGGY!! Mom looked like a movie star from the 30's. Red bow tie lip stick, hair in an up sweep, classy figure enhancing dresses that showed off her great legs and always wore a hat and gloves to the racetrack.She could of been an Interior Decorator. Our house always looked cutting edge and she did everything herself inside and out. I never heard or saw her argue with friends. She was the Peacemaker and her friends were with her to the finish...oh how she laughed, danced and played with her friends, always keeping in touch especially through those middle years where many suffered from some form of temporary insanity. She could make the best fired chicken and homemade fries. Her pumpkin pie was epic and she would drop everything when you arrived and fill you with love. She was my last call of the day. She was such a lady and so missed everyday but especially to day.Happy Birthday Piggy.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memories of the class of 2011
Bad Form Urban Outfitters
I am a lover of and registered artist in Etsy, a marvelous assortment of private artists that display and market their products using the Etsy Site. It has always been a problem of others stealing our ideas and calling them theirs. An ethical issue that small businesses cannot challenge as much money is usually involved. Money, many home based art businesses generally can't front. Urban Outfitters has a bit of a rep in being one of those scoundrels.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
As always, returning from Edm. puts me in a reflective mood. The frequent recurrence of funerals for healthier, younger, nicer friends than I,has brought me closer to those friends still alive and kicking and caused me to consider the following....Friendship has levels of commitment and will progress or decline depending on the level and sincerity of that commitment. Friendship has an ebb and flow. We involved do not give equally to the relationship at the same time. Friends make mistakes, say hurtful words, do ridiculous unbelievable things and if there is enough substance to the people involved in the friendship they can talk it out. It might take many talks to reclaim trust but if you have enough invested in terms of love, family and memories the friendship can be saved and many times grow far beyond what it was.There is often a more tenacious friend who will pick up the remains of the event or issue and will start the healing. Forgiveness plays an important part as does moving forward and not resurrecting the past. Not all friendships are that invested and worth the struggle to come to a point of resolution. It sadly sometimes means walking away but if you are fortunate as I have been....my friends waited for me, forgiven me,handing me a Kleenex when I was crying and then laughing with me after.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
My own little drama
We were almost home.Driving the last bit on the Connector, a red truck headed across the meridian towards us, landing in the ditch followed by a black truck now also deeply stuck in the meridian ditch. He was a Cop and was closely followed by 3 more Police cars, all jumping out to chase down the occupants of the red truck, a 20 something blond beauty and a 40 and I'm being kind here, sleazy looking man. The guy was hanging on to doors, bumpers whatever he could grab on any passing car. The girl ran towards our car and tried to open my door...it was locked. Unfortunately the elderly couple behind us were not so lucky. They were pulled from the car and kicked in the head until the police caught the girl. Apparently the 2 had carjacked the truck on the highway. Eventually they were both caught.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
As I sit from my perch laden with ice packs listening to the RSVP telephone messages roll in, the Grad,s mother is coming to realize that the party of 20-25 has now grown to 60-65. The best part of the Grad bring your family Bar-b-cue on Friday nite just might be getting to know the community police unit.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The perks of Rehab mingling
Yesterday morning while pushing iron in my fav gym, I overheard my next bed neighbour,an 80 something woman chatting about her slow recovering knee replacement and her never ending pain....she did it in a strong English accent. My empathetic side rose up, needing to offer my sympathies, I struck up a conversation with her.... So....Are you from London??? Have you met the Royal Family??? Will you watch "the wedding"??? In my defence I offer...I was in full Royal Wedding fever....without missing a beat this quick thinking ex RAF vet related this wonderful story... She was 19 in dress blues in the crowd at Princess Elizabeth's Coronation watching the arrival of the Queen Mother. In the first row in the queue along the red carpeted walkway she saw the Queen Mom slip on a leaf on the path. The regal woman turned to her military escort and clearly said...."Clean this FUCKING path immediately" she then turned to the crowd and continued with the Royal Wave....BEST physio moment....ever
Friday, April 29, 2011
Recipe for inner peace
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
...Then You Are Probably .........

The Family Dog!
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
...Then You Are Probably .........

The Family Dog!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Never look back
New strategies for getting through April must include moving forward, thinking positively and not reliving the past.

New Theme Song...Never Look back
New Theme Song...Never Look back
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The challenge that is April
So sorry my Dear Readers in my "lack of Post". I blame it all on April, the month that shouldn't be. Since 1990 it has beaten my ass yearly and 2011 is not to be missed apparently with the onslaught of calamity, crises and just plain catastrophe. SO!! I will regroup, reassess and reorganize and resume....soon.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Nerds...gotta love them
Years and years ago, in another life, a colleague and I while rooming together at a workshop had a similar discussion about an entirely different topic. Much to the dismay and mystification of the third colleague roomie we carried on at length about the Jackson 5...the family, the music, the gossip and the facts. this very funny video between 2 other nerds reminds me of that evening long ago and made me smile. Please ignore the sponser message, I could not remove it....computer nerd needed...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
advice from Madonnart
Best Advice: Go to bed early. Be willing to pay for ideas, not just products. Never use knockoffs and do not support the industry that produces them. Spend at least as much time on planning as on execution.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
OMG...the 60's were rich in music
Making Art yesterday in the Studio and listening to some great Woodstock bands, I heard Robbie Robertson's Album, Big Pink...over and over....over and over. I came to this Ah Ha moment....This could possibly be the best band ever....EV...ER...Now that was a Time Dear Reader....the 60's. How did I survive...a mother who drank and smoked while pregnant. Tucked me into my lead based painted crib, transported me in a car without a seat belt and fed me processed, processed food. Survive we did with out PlayStation, IPhone or Starbucks.John Kennedy was assassinated as was Martin Luther King, watched the Vietnam war on TV, birth control pill discovered and Free Love exploded at Woodstock. We had psychedelics,the Beatles and the Mashed Potato.Wore bell bottoms, Fros and ate Velveeta Cheese slices.Whether you were a Yippie, Hippie or Beatnick, the 60's brought freedom, experimentation and fun in a time of innocence and all was reflected in our music and it's message to the world..."I dig Rock and Roll Music
Cats of the 60's....enjoy The Band. My favorite Album of all time,"Big Pink"
Cats of the 60's....enjoy The Band. My favorite Album of all time,"Big Pink"
Monday, April 04, 2011
Sound The Alert
Madonnart has entered the Studio and has touched a paint brush...OMG...Yesterday, I needed a sort of rest day from the after affects of some fairly rigorous spring cleaning. It was raining and my library books have all been read and my Physio cancelled....what to do. While wandering around the rooms I happened upon this lovely bright welcoming area filled with various art supplies and remembered.....I was an artist...I could Art....and that is what I did...I Arted.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
Chalenge shmallege
Today is the last day of my 90 day Avena Challenge.Organic Dude has been a vocal disciple and passionate to the point of gag me with a spoon irritating with his apparantly never ending knowledge on health, medical science and the human body works. Yes I am testy and a tad irritable....90 F$%$#*G days people in which I have dramatically decreased my near toxic consumption of Caffine, wheat, dairy, soy, alcohol and my god, sugar. Add to this a good attempt at 80/20 nutrition program and taking the 7 Avena products daily. SURPRISE!!!! people, I not only did it much to the amazement of many but I am now a sort of convinced advocate of this lifestyle....maybe....
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My Dancing CV
Yes, Dear Reader I have quite the Ballroom Dancing past as proven recently at one barely remembered New Years Eve. Strangers possibly will not remember who they partnered but I bet FOR SURE they have pics of a Rockin One Armed Lady doing YMCA . My point is I definitely have the credentials to be a Dancing With The Stars judge. Many (Laurie) have been justifiably impressed with my expertise in critiquing the dancers and skillfully picking the seasons winner. Simple rules preside regarding making a bet... selection must be made prior to the second elimination episode. My choice...that Clelsie Kane chick and Mark Ballas...anyone else want to play?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Love a good brunch
My happiest meal is breakfast.Combine it with a sleep in and make it an early lunch,OMG, can cause me to break in to palpations and a flush. Today all the planets aligned to present a brunch at the Grand Okanagan Resort, well known for its desert presentations. In the company of 10 friends celebrating someones ? birthday, I hippity hopped into the Grand Buffet starting, much to the surprize of 10, at the desert wing, the Creme Brule to be precise and worked my way north through the cheese cake, caramel lava cake, assorted creme puffs, skipped the fruit isle and ended with chocolate sauce and rum whipped cream. I shared the best part of two bottles of Cipes with some birthday ? person and fell shortly after into a deep coma like sleep. Hopefully I will be invited back next year......
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Long story
Where do I start...the week started out with a quick trip to Edmonton to assist the chosen child after a bit of surgery and ended with sending the next door neighbour to hospital with a stroke, a dear friend seriously injured in a fall and in hospital, a brother needing surgery at the same time as the girlie, and a beloved friends sudden death from an aneurysm. It included 4 hospitals,5 blizzards,and 1 funeral in a 5 day period. We left winter and people shovelling snow and arrived 10 hours later to summer and golf balls on the deck. The Dude and I are grumpy but the dognamedDula....OMG....20 hours riding in a moving sliding, skidding vehicle in less than 3 days...hasn't moved from her bed or her blanky..
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Florence is on the job
I have scooted to Alberta to practice the science of Laying on hands....meaning provide medical,motherly and grandmotherly support to my sweet girl in her hour of need. Yes she is having a Grand Opening today or as her Annie Lennox look alike, teeny handed surgeon prefers it to be known as an OPERATION....I plan to cover the event pictorally so stand by for many photos of all the gore and fun. We have a lovely stress releaving custom in our family and that is to shout out your pain in as colorfull a language as you can muster.....good times.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Remembering my friend Carol
At this ripe old age, I credit myself with more knowledge and insight then I deserve to be credited with....but hey I always was generous when it came to me. What I know tonight that I did not know this morning is huge and is earth moving in it's message for you Dear Reader. In this momentary enlightened state I offer this ...Old friends last forever even if you do not keep in touch like you should. On their last day they are as they were in the good old days....good friends. The years of our youth and challenges we survived together have bound us tighter then Super Glue, and on their last day you realize you are still bound. The Lesson: Value your friendships especially those that have survived the big tests throughout the years,hold on tight to these people that have seen you at your saddest, your angriest, your most foolish and your happiest because at the end...in the last day, they still love you, and still call you friend........
Monday, March 14, 2011
OMG...just sitting here with hot packs in place and coffee in hand about to leave for Physio. 2 left before I leave for Edmonton and then......the call. madame Diana, sadism queen of Physio is sick....Alleluia...Alleluia....All...lay...lou...ya...I am free and can go back to bed, go have coffee with my sweet Demi ...or...go shopping...hmmmm what to do, what to do....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Bionic Woman flies for first time since transplant
Ok....I am a little anxious....first time through Airport security since Titanium acquisition. I now appear to be carrying a rifle as all my Titanium flows from shoulder to above my knee. Stay tuned....full coverage on the 6:00 news.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
What's your Theme song?
Remember Allie McBeal and her theme song of the day? Well after a series of discussions around fruit, perfume,chocolate....I have found the need to have my themesong....Hell...To The No!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What I know
With a song in my heart and an ice pack on my shoulder I sat down in my fav hair stylist's chair. Now I have known Anna for 20+ years and she has skillfully taken me through the Bob, Reverse Bob,Pixie,Spiky Shag,and Asymmetrical cuts in brown, red, brown and red,damn close to blond and chestnut. Yesterdays cut and color have left me ....well uncertain if our relationship has shifted from client to family. My clear direction was a few natural looking lighter BROWN foils and 1/2 inch off all around was either not heard or dismissed, in the same manner, I often have seen dear Anna use on her mom. So $80.00 poorer,cranky and unhappy I am needing to fix this. L...a...u..r..i..e....!!!!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011
There are people through out my life, destined to show up at my least attractive moments..over...and...over. Take Kid Doctor: On my first visit we met in the office bathroom....I was ah....using the facility and he was needing to use said facility...forgot to lock door as I was the ONLY one in the office....whatever.... Next meeting with Kid Dr. was in hospital....I had waited and waited for the bathroom to vacate and hurried in to do my business and he arriving in a rush felt that was the best moment to knock on the door and throw it open to discusss my Donor pieces. Yesterday at my daily Day Care appointment....read Physio...I was smack dab nose to nose with the most unpleasant person I had ever met. In fact leaving my beloved place of work was a joy because I was also leaving her.Putting bygones aside I went full forward with my best winning smile to greet her hello...how R ya....fancy meeting in Physio. She looked me in the eye and then efficiently ran over my foot with her wheelchair....and thats how I remember her. So..Why on earth would I say hello....why? Two words for you my dear readers.....Passive-Agressive....
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
Faithfull dog
I so love this dog of Brian and Vickies, The Happy Trappers,Hannah, represents dogs everywhere that have a love affair with their masters that just transnds alot of people love affairs in its simplicity and honesty. Our dog also has such a blind,crazy,irrational,love for her master...Organic Dude...

Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Name Game
I was born Marilyn Gail, Adopted and renamed Margaret Jean but called Margy by my father,...Moage by my mother when good, MARGARETT when bad and Marg by my brother. My best friend also called me Moage, my father in law Marge and my husband Marg when good and MARGARETTT when pissed at me.My daughter will shout MARGARET!! when trying to find me in a crowd and a dear friend from the best place we had ever lived called me Maggie May. My Father in law kind of summed it up when he said "just don't call me late for dinner". I call myself Magical Princess Angel Wings........
Friday, February 25, 2011
For the last 2 years I and many others have followed the difficult and courageous comeback of Stephanie Neilson those who love and admire her call her Nie Nie. Nie Nie has generously included us in her comeback....the highs and the lows and always the inspiring tales of her journey. If you have a bit of time one day go to her Blog, The Nie Nie Dialogues and read through her story. Today an exhilarated Nie shows a video of her first time back at skiing, a Ski Patrol member in the time before her accident....this was a tear jerker.....
Thursday, February 24, 2011
For the second time since my epic surgery, I have been bitten by the flu bug. A lover of the total body cleanse may be ecstatic with news such as this, however I am pissed. So my dear readers ....heads up...I may be absent but press on and please do sanitize your hands.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Another 2 months of hell and stretching ahead. I feel like this and am mad as a hornet to think I am stuck with this rigid program 4 days a week. I have to do this crap until I have 180 degrees in my arm....then and only then will Kid Doctor replace the other shoulder. Sounds like a bully dosn't he?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Yesterday my 911 call was answered and I was saved. Purdy's in the quantity usually seen in a fund raiser for high schools and junior hockey teams arrived in its shiny foil wrap.....I like shiny. I felt safe, relieved I had not committed a heinous crime and loved....Later....1 coconut bar, 2 Sweet Georgia Browns,3 chocolate salted pretzels and 3 snowballs I felt a tad guilty and was nearly comatose. I contemplated calling Dr. Drew and turning myself in....but then I found this Thank you dear family.
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