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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

and....On the Second Day

With the energy of a 50 year old I excitedly got up and organized myself to plant my first garden in 8 years. Happy face times 10 and reacquainting myself with my tools, I skipped next door and began to plant my summer garden. Don't visualize a 120 by 180 foot garden, Dear Reader. This is a little plot of maybe 16 feet by 10 and I worked for a good 4 hours,weeding, planting, labeling and supporting my little dream. As the window of bendiness closed, and I addressed the copious sweating as what it was unique response to pain I...cleaned up and went home to take a shower.The Dude stopped me before I actually got wet. "I will help you dig out the weeds and dig holes for the bedding plants", he said."Not to worry," I added, those sweet girls weeded and the garden is planted, right down to 3 of your tomato plants. Ahhhh! says he, never a positive Affirmation, you didn't plant the garden at the front did you? #@$%&%$#@.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sanity Lost

I can't stop thinking about country living.....the real thing. Not being able to ever sleep in because chickens, turkeys, cows and horses always get first dibs on the daily energy pool. The never ending WORK that is always yelling to get done. The resignation that weather always wins and the race to get the gardens in before the hail hits. Country living marks the happiest and most exhausting days of my life but how I LOVED it all. I sit this morning 5:45 AM on my deck overlooking the golf course and Okanagan Lake sipping  my first cup, reading the newest selection of library books, admiring my fresh manicure and wish I could have those amazing years back to live again. I know....DEMENTIA has finally arrived.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Here it is the site of the Annual Humiliation. This morning before coffee, I will have bared all, and withstood the annual grope and probe. Heard the message of weight loss, exercise and surgical weight list excuses, refilled prescriptions, and asked for a script for Medical Marijuana.....AGAIN! Hope powers that be remember I DO NOT assume this position without Dinner and a Movie.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blanket Apology

To the lady waiting impatiently behind me in the checkout line at Zellers:your loud sighs were heard and I apologize for making your wait longer but I needed to pick up all my change and credit cards I had flung across the floor. Your staying out of my way and allowing me to pick up all my change alone was much appreciated. this lack of empathy was only upped by the gentleman who stepped over the 24 bottles of water I had set free while trying to open my car door. Thank you for kicking the bottles out of your way. I would have felt terrible had you tripped over them. Last but not least my apologies to the neighbor who gazed awestruck as I exited my car through the obstacle course that is our garage much like a snake exterminator navigating tall grass. Your concern for my well being was appreciated. The vision of a sweat soaked, red faced,package laden woman I'm sure was a shocking sight and my response of fantastic was perhaps perceived as less than neighborly. Cranky, frustrated and sweating no longer, I have showered, eaten and embibed. Tomorrow will be better.

Friday, May 25, 2012

 Across the room stood the blond, muscular Adonis I have adored for all these years. Still the beautifull body, the agile intellect, the romantic soul I married many years ago. Come here, he said, in his deep manly voice; his piercing blue eyes promicing me an ecstacy I have only fantasized about.With barely a flick of his powerfull deep veined forearm he thrust toward me the aromatic pizza box. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes, emotionally overwhelmed, unable to speak the words of adoration caught in his throat. Words were not needed. Was it but a dream, I wondered wistfully, drifting off to sleep. I choose to think not. Sleep deprivation dream. Could not sleep again last night.....and went to bed hungry....could have it's perks???

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A girl gets a bike

 She probably walked passed it in the garage for 3 weeks and never saw it. It is the brightest yellow.
 She was so surprised. Then said "see ya", and was off down the lane, giggling the whole time.
Her bike partner(dad) was waiting anxiously. She had left him behind. Will she return and invite him along? Of course she will, plus she needs to change into coordinating flowered dress, shoes and bag. She feels this is a "dress" bike and it must be ridden leisurely in case photo ops happen. She needs a hat, carries an umbrella in the bikes perfect vintage wicker basket and has purchased matching bike lock and helmet. She's a gem alright.....girl not bike. The bike's pretty cute too.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Style,is as is beauty in the eye of the beholder.To one it is the allure of the cooling comfort of the Tube Dress. Either in a short style or the maxi length the Tube or as I like to call it...Bubble dress is an immediate choice whilst lying out in ones hammock, enjoying a bit of rays. Neighbors and red faced family spend much time gazing upward, when in it's presence.Fashion,as in Style can be expressed in a multitude of imaginative ways. Wether it's hair arranged in spiked, colored glory or a smoother Do completely covering eyes, fashion can go high or low. I observed low on my recent sojourn to the east where the fashion choice for foot wear apparently is the Red Suede Shoe....Elvis in his Menapausal stage perhaps. Regardless of your bent,Tube Dress,peekaboo hair, colorfull shoes or bright yellow transportation, your interpretation of fashion or style makes us all smile. kudo's to you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This is Lola she needs a bath

 She is paid in fun and is loved for her smile .

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What I have learned

Simple...always have hope.The body, especially the brain is an amazing self righting organism.Youth is always on your side in the healing game.Crankiness can be a powerfull tool in motivation especially if Coma is involved.True,loving friends step forward regardless of the grief and pain they are throwing themselves into.When in life and death struggles the place you want to be is in a good research/teaching hospital.Doctors are not always right with prognosis. Hope and faith are everything when you are a helpless parent looking down at your sick child.Love can build a bridge. Welcome back Amanda.

Monday, May 14, 2012

life is for the strong of spirit

This morning hug your children tightly, tell them you love them more than sunshine and bless the health they have been given. A long night spent waiting to hear good news about a friends beautiful girl taken suddenly scarily, seriously ill.What I believe, where there is a breath of life there is always hope.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Time to say goodbye

The time just moves at Warp speed for me now. Amazing since I personally have slowed down to a turtles pace and it is you...the Universe moving so quickly. Another dear family member has transitioned to the Heavens, a seemingly new born babe is turning 17 and his older sister 19 and my month with the best family in the world is nearly done. This time next week I will have seen 2 doctors, 1 dentist and been to 2 Aquafit classes. I am again stronger in the ways that count I will return, with bigger smile lines,a renewed sence of possibility and a firm knowledge that I am loved, liked and wanted as is. This family is a healing family dispencing laughter, hugs and kindness liberally and thoughtlessly with every word and action. They are my greatest blessing.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

It just gets better

What is it about having, keeping and loving old friends that is so important to me? Last night, sitting with old friends from elementary school, celebrating a birthday, reminiscing about great vacations, successfulL children,perfect grandchildren and sadly friends illnesses and passing, made me a bit teary eyed. I realized, I have enjoyed 2weeks of love , acceptance and laughter that has always been there. More and more Life reminds me about it's fragility and quickly moving time line and the annoying way it has of not going in the direction I want. BUT....the friends have always been there for me. I was the one who was absent. I am going to change this....

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Cinco di Mayo

A celebration of Mexican heritage, Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army's victory over France at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. My friends today, ingest your most powerfull anti acid, dress in color laden duds, tune up your fabulous singing voice and eat, sing dance like no one is watching.....I am. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Star wars day

May the fourth be with you?.....and in the words of the esteemed or do not there is no try.....peace out.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Where the heart lives

I have come to realize that as much as I love to live in a milder climate and as much as my body needs dry heat to stay less painfull, my heart will always be in Alberta. The fresh air in the morning, the sunsets, the constantly moving skies and the greenness of the wooded areas make me a walking memory and tear machine when I am here visiting.So much of my heart remains here and this is where I have my strongest sence of belonging. G

About Me

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada