Bleary eyed, yet filled with anticipation, Margaret began her day with a warm welcome from Hot Bone Doctor. Anticipating the fear factor and taking it seems the stance that...more fear is better..he started the conversation with..."there's nothing left, we're going to have to take the entire front of the shoulder out."
Margaret returned to her seat ....a paler version of herself.
Next to visit, Hot Anesthesiologist. The most important member of the dance crew as far as we were all concerned. HA gave young pale Margaret the low down about her new improved pain plan which involved tanned, shirtless, muscled male beauties serving her every need. An excellent plan.
Back to her waiting room seat where we were all able to observe the pep talk being giving by HBD to his posse. There was even a RN who was apparently the team masseuse. We all applauded this new addition to the crew as well as her efforts to limber every one up.
5 hours pass....tick tock...
(Tangible went shopping)
Margaret met us back in her suite with a dazed but PAIN FREE expression of surprise. Apparently the last visitor to her dance card had left her with no pain management and this was the black hole she expected again. Success! Nerve Blocks, Gravol and several other important ingredients had been added to the the recipe. Good Times!
We left young pale Margaret ready for bed. Freshly washed and ready for her first night lying on her back in 8 years.
Sweet Dreams.
Young Margaret obviously received good pharmaceuticals very early on in this little venture....