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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Latest creation

I have made 2 very different from each other necklaces this week. Both necklaces are very time intensive but interesting to I doubt I will ever do them again so they will be one of a kind.This is the first of the two. A pewter ball set into a Charlotte cut seed bead in a twisted herringbone.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

To cane or not to cane?

So back to me. I did my nails, shaved, tweezed, painted, ironed, curled, tried on numerous ill fitting outfits, fought depression, stuffed myself into the spanks I so wisely purchased 2 sizes smaller than I wear in anticipation of a future weight loss and under a light Bobbi Brown would approve, applied the makeup. He enters the room still in his grubs and says; " Oh ya that Gala thing is in October not September." Don't judge me people, I chose to cane.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ladies...get my back..

He came in the door about 6:30 pm, I was eating my favorite TV supper of a hot dog and in my PJs. Him..."OMG we have to be at the Gyro Ball in half an hour"...colorful conversation ensued...still ensuing.....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

BFF and beads AKA a day in heaven

Any minute.....just any time now......she's coming......Myrle, better known as Myrle The pearl is on her....................................way.......................... way..................................................................................................................................................................way..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The many virtues of coffee

While drinking my morning extra bold Kenya and basking in the morning sunshine, I took pause to reflect about the gifts of the simple coffee bean.I lean on coffee through many of life's challenges. Here comes the reflecting part: it shares the joy of the early morning with me....well with me and the golfers.My Keurig master loves me so much it wisely offers all my favorites at a touch of a button. Every morning and evening is special because it cares and wants to spend quality time with me. In says I love you, I love being with you and you are special.I get so much from a simple appliance perhaps one day I will share with you my love of my bread machine.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Leonard

As previously established, I am a devoted Cohen fan. He was 75 yesterday and earlier this year did a wonderful interview on Q with Gian Gomeshe who ranks right up there with my boyfriend George Strombonoppolas as being 2 of Canada's best interviewers. Go visit if you have 43 minutes its worth the time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Back in the groove

What an amazing feeling; waking up able to breath and feeling like painting!!! Little black puppy your Kleenex eating days have ended and your Fishermans Friend breath is the only thing I will miss about this cold.I have had this idea of a painting for last year and today is the day.......amazing day....did I mention that?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

cough!!cough!! ahhhchooo!!

Apparently Live Food Only Guy has a flaw. Last week he started to cough...I asked...Are you sick??? Mostly concerned with my own state of health but truly motivated by a smattering of compassion I offered options......Tylenol Cold and rum and honey....all apparently toxins according to Live Food Only Guy who chose to tough it out. Well that's just peachy isn't it? The bugs lay in our house growing in number and strength while he TOUGHED IT OUT OR UNTIL I CAUGHT IT!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Julia's early cooking shows

For the fun of it, head on over to Julia Childs very early shows on PBS. They are edited to include bloopers.She is a true example that passion and love for what you do wins out over awkwardness.She has so many near misses with that gigantic knife she uses and who else would wear a bulbous Cod head on her hand or have a anatomy lesson on the 5 varieties of chickens. Some one asked her; "where she puts all the stuff she's finished cooking with"? She answered; "on the floor".I am so tempted to buy the entire DVD series. Anyone else in?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

OH!OH! This never is good.

I am reorganizing my jewelry area in the studio....I am putting little things in many, many smaller bags and boxes....I am labeling.....writing and reading old journals, remembering.... making a new bucket list.......I am getting a migraine....and more Kleenex.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

News Flash

Ahhhh Labour Day and the fashion consequences. So....this morning as he is getting dressed he hits me with this gem......I guess sandals are out......can't wear them after Labour Day. Right!! 2 Things; You only read the Health Food News and it's..No white after Labour Day, but nice try.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Who's in charge?

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Perhaps the fact they have been immersed in both cultures....people and dog....they forget who they really are, and we, the masters also forget and then this happens.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Missing you

Feeling like you were supposed to be here when I got up and you weren't. I remember when Nana would say to me, just about every day I might add..."I think about you 100 times a day and wonder what you're doing and wish I was there with you. I so totally get this now.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Who is responsible?

The garbage is full...stuff on the floor....stuff scrapping the top of the cupboard....stuff dribbling down the side...full...RIGHT!! Who is responsible to empty it? That who finds it or that who fills it? The washer has finished its wash, oh gee maybe yesterday. Again, patient reader...Who is responsible to move it along its journey? He who filled the washer...lets be kind...last week or she who finds it?
and....lastly, the final straw....a golfer hits a ball. It falls in our yard. He is not a good golfer. Who is responsible to pick up this ball? He who sees it fall out of bounds, while watching TV and eating popcorn ,he who has hit his ball where he is not a allowed to wander... or SHE...the one closest to the ball...but....SLEEPING!!!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Remembering now..

Ok so yesterday it was hot, humid and a bad hair day plus 3 hours driving on under construction roads made me a tad cranky....hence the last post.Sigh!!! Why for the love of Rum icecream do I speak before I think.......think twice blog once....The Retirement Party was full of old friends, many laughs, great stories. Why did I think it wouldn 't be fun?

About Me

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Mesa Vista West, Okanagan, Canada