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Saturday, March 28, 2009
He gets it from me
YouTube - Justin Timberlake Parody of Beyonce's (Put a Ring On It) MUSIC VIDEO LIVE SNL - The best video clips are here Oh yeah baby the dancing gene has arisen in our family. Number 1 grandson has WON 3...THATS.. 3..people, dance contests at school. Its just a matter of time before he too will be asked to dance with Beyonce and Justin.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mixing native with modern
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Tis the season!
The course officially opened 7A.M. this morning. Apparently the only ones to get the News Flash were the golfers. I suppose early money/spring break visitors are all more important than us the lowly residents who sit along the course with NO....that's NO net protection in place.....cause we didn't know today was TEE off Saturday. Oh yeah and the huge flocks of nesting birds that yesterday thought they had found Nirvana.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Not rain nor sleet or hail will interrupt our mail
I kneel before thee oh god of postal service, full of remorse and with red face gleefully clutching my missing (1 month) book. Thank you for fulfilling my childlike belief that "THE MAIL WILL GO THROUGH".If the book was ordinary, a first edition Somerset Maughn or priceless original illustrated Lost N Found Journal, money may have eased my pain but this was a Beverly Gilbert secret color wheel technique bible (Eye For Color} and I became an unreasonable, sobbing, manic, bitch. Beverly graciously offered to replace the missing gem but by that time I was on a mission. Thank you Lady Gilbert for your concern and generosity and thank YOU Canada Post for your uniquely quirky Customer Service system.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Canada Post Calling, How may we help you....ha...ha...ha
Call me optimistic or just call me "crazy Canuk but I use Canada Post for mail delivery that is, I did. The last 2 weeks have indeed been a lesson in perseverance that called upon the time honored Canadian values of trust and faith in that hallowed tower of the untouchable known as our postal service.The parcel was apparently placed in the locked box. I allegedly had the key to said box placed in my mail slot but no parcel was found. The hope the problem would be solved "post haste" is now into call 15 of day 14 and I realizing "the service department" had stopped listening have moved on to the highest echelon of management. I am willing to make the resolution of my dilemma my life's work. I will keep you posted......ha...ha...posted...I so kill me.
Friday, March 06, 2009
OMG..can't see the table top,floor is awash with discarded photo bits,gel medium has free formed itself into a delightful yet understated sculpture, lost 4 pairs of bright green sissors, 5 packs of index tabs and at least 12 black pens and now ......I get an order for a dozen of those crystal necklaces I did a zilion of last year????? Time to call Clean Sweep or as we like to refer to CS in our family...Sarah. S...AR......AAAAAAAHH!!!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
I have truly fallen into the old trap of starting 4 different things at once and in the same work space. OMG...what a mess. I like moving from one project to a totally different project often within the same day and sometimes hour. This is the pickle I'm in today. My coffee cup is stuck in a puddle of gel medium as is this dang TV control. The positive is, a photo of the Vatican transferred onto the polymer plate in those lovely blues and taupes and works!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Where to start?
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