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Monday, February 27, 2012
The Oscars and me
I have had a long and enjoyable history with the Oscars. Being a movie lover and loving the BIG screen as opposed to the telly draws me pretty much weekly to the local theaters. I am THAT person that fills in copious Oscar contest sheets for the one year free movie pass and again I am THAT person dressed (often in lounging attire),coifed and seated with wine and appies in hand watching the Red Carpet arrivals. Dinner is served during the Oscar Show and dessert at the Barbara Walters Special....I miss Barbara.2012 did not dissappoint; the gowns were lovely, the Red Carpet incident...too funny (Ryan Seacrests face was epic),the winners acceptable and Billy Crystal was .....Crystal.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Things sat in a sedative state for everyone sharing this house for so long it was becoming the new normal. BAZAMME !! and it all shifted. The little black fur ball in less than 4 hours changed from a Bobblehead car ornament to a playfull, glad to see you where have you been puppy. I had eliminated her PHENOBARB,reduced the steroid and huge turnabout seen.Just in a nick of timne as final arrangements were being made. We have always said right from the start of this journey we will give her every chance she needs as long as she is not in pain, has quality of life, and retains some of her Dula.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
My apologies
Soon.....soon, I hope to be a functioning Blogger once again. First must find some agreeable peace and regain the schedule of the day. I am a Capricorn and come with all the baggage typical Capricorns carry IE: the need for a daily routine, the love of lists, the collection of organizational products...boxes, bags, shelving units,labels and above all the love of my Dymo Labeler. Soon all will right itself. It will come with tears, and goodbyes to a little black puppygirl but will bring peace and order to my Universe...soon...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Baptist's the passion
Like many this last week, I too have been caught up in the Tribute to Whitney Houston. It has not been the tragedy and sadness of seeing yet another celebrity killed by the drug of fame that has had me caught up in her Tributes but the PASSION of her Baptist roots and the love of God that was strongly in place. Comparing this church to my church,is likened to vibrant color to shades of grey. We Catholics could do well to adopt some of the pure joy and uninhibited vocal love of God. Honestly if you ever attend a Baptist Service it is a wonder and a pleasure to be part of the spontaneous celebration of faith. Now off I go to Mass with the intention of speaking to the people around me and singing as loud as I clapping or shouting out praises that would be too shocking to poor Father Wayne.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
SHE'S EATING..........but.....
OK so the little furball decided fish was what she has been wanting all along and ate half of mine, then all my cheese , half a cookie and 9 digestive crackers.....happy dance was done around her by 2 very strange old people. She drank, ate again 4 crackers at 5am and had a DOOZY of a seizure at 5:30am. I gave her Belladonna in the midst of it and 1/4 of a Phenabarb once she regained consciousness. Back to the Vet......poor little girl.....doing so well until.....???
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sick puppy update
Slow process, this is slightly getting better. Thank goodness she has a place to wait it out. She can't get enough of her man and would stay this, all day. This is her safe place and she lays in front of the closed bedroom door during the day, hoping someone will say the magic words "bedtime" and lay down with her. I wait patiently for her to start to eat and drink without using the syringe and wonder if she will ever play with her Barneys again. I weighed her today....She has lost another 1.6 pounds. She started Prednisone today and now has a new member to the club..."Dogs who don't eat or drink and we don't know why" It has been a long 2 months for her.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
February...almost inanimate
What is it about February that slows the heart rate, thickens the blood, and makes the day spent in Jammies last for weeks? To say I am unmotivated would be a lie. I am an inanimate object, unable to form a complete sentence, string an almost interesting bunch of beads or lift a brush to paper. The house around me begs for attention, as does the laundry,the dying plants and now the need to organize the family Tax.Looking at myself in the morning mirror shows the urgent need for band, grey hair showing through, two of the Biosculpture nails missing,no bra,no socks and wearing one of the two not PJ's but damn close black outfits,I have dressed in since NYE.As I wait for March and the dawn of Spring...not with interest,not with excitement but with a weird sence of survival. The way stranded lifeboat people wait for the plane to discover them.....da plane....da plane.....
Monday, February 06, 2012

This is me, cooking a sweet potato for my sick puppy who has refused all protein forms known. She instead has decided that Digestive cookies, coconut oil and sweet potatoes are foods of the Gods and I who 25 years ago would of said TOUGH! you will eat when you get now mashing said sweet potato with honey. Little girl is now half the weight she was 6 weeks ago and now sports a Bobble head....who can resist this sad little bundle of black curls?
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
perfect celebration snack
OMG, the stress of being a 24 hr caregiver and the relief at seeing a glimmer of hope has put me into a frantic,hungry hyper insomniac situation. Sugar is needed in copious amounts. This perfect food was...well...PERFECT. Can't wait to introduce this to Sarah and Morgan.
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