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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Estote Fidelis
Always faithful, that's the meaning of Estote Fidelis, my EGH Alumni is calling and a benchmark reunion is on the horizon.The air flights have been made, suitcase outed and now the most difficult....planning the wardrobe for 4 days at the Jasper Park Lodge...I am afraid I will be safely positioned on a veranda with hot or cold Bailey's in hand while watching the more bendy of my classmates hike,paddle,trot,zip line and whitewater their way through God's country....whatever....I will be there.Therein lies the essence of reunions. It is necessary to be present in order to partake. In another 5 years, I fear we will again have changed, mentally, physically, medically and our numbers will deplete further....this year we are 23 out of 60. Three years spent in dormitory housing, under the iron rule of the Grey Nuns of Montreal, scared much of the time into endless recital of the Rosary sealed many friendships and introduced many of us to our eventual spouses. I am sad 33 of my classmates will be missing as I remember in laughter, love and amazement all of you.Try harder in 2016 pleeeeeeze....
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Senior Bashing faux pax
Ok already...I am humbled and contrite by my pool sisters....apparently they have become the next wave of Toe Thong purchasers and have completely marketed me out of the Toe Thong business. The little darlings are requesting more colors, better variety and multiple purchase incentives. So...Rita my bead slave get your butt back here from Portugal and get busy.....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Signs of change
SO!!! I started taking an Aqua fit class with my BFF, Myrle the pearl ummmm 2.5 weeks ago. We are the youngest in the class, right where I like to be situated....however Aqua fit is the name of the class not Aqua Youngest so the line in the sand is not years of life but years of being active....and once again I am straggling and struggling to keep up to the 80 years olds. Not only do they see me struggling to keep afloat doing the suspended chest kicks but the see me limping into class and crawling out of the pool at the end of class and they are looking SMUG.....those thin,fit,happy,full of helpful hints but Ha! older than me Seniors. I win...I have the most metal bits and can still suspend (fancy name for float).
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Free...Free at last....

This week, I bid a fond (absence makes the heart grow fonder)farewell to my Physio family. When you have spent 10 months, 5-3 times a week going to physio, you do become family like with many of the therapists and other regulars. They have made you laugh, cry, bargain, and often yell through the course of treatment. At the end of it all, voila....bendyness results where none was before.So alfederzaine my friends see you another month when we can do a-do-over on the other shoulder/knee/foot/knee....I am an opportunity to the 5th power...yea me...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Last day of summer

Today is likely the last day of the wonderful 34 degree sun filled days, I have been enjoying at the beach. I plan to worship the sun god today in the same tradition I have throughout the past 2 months.....sunscreen, floatation devices,lake, beach, Cervesa, good book and BFF's. Sad to see summer end this year. It has been one of the best, no it has been THE BEST summer ever had and the fact that I resemble a dried up prune in both color and texture is ridiculous...inside I am calm, positive and bendy...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Dancing kind of day
At the beach with the BFF's. celebrating Kathie's birthday girl style....Cervesa, nauchos, peaches and dancin music and believe me it is New Years 2011 all over again. Pics at 10....
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Where were you Sept 7, 1971?
I was 9 months preggers with my second baby. Laurie was a very helpful 2yr old and that morning had painstakingly washed the freshly waxed hardwood floor with her own mix of Old Dutch and dish detergent. Thank goodness my eyes could not take it all in ....that being 9 months pregnant and all any floor had not been totally visible for quite some time. Shortly after floor cleanup the toilet plugged....not a happy event when one is in the early stages of labour as I was at that time. Putting on my Supermom/ wife hat and in the manner of the countless pioneer women eminently about to deliver before me I pressed on..baked a cake, put a roast in the oven and started a batch of bread. The only thing missing was the nest I needed to build. 4pm found me frantically trying to reach the soon to be new father, alerting the grands that they were about to be hosting the 2 year old floor stripper wannabe and contacting the hospital ( now 5:30 pm) that I was on my way....water broken, pressure building, and I need to push damn it ready. The lucky in the wrong place at the right time Med Student stood anxiously gazing at the crowning head of my soon to be second born assured me we had lots of time...HA! I said to that...Ha! and promptly blessed him with his first delivery.....Colleen Margaret (Coco) She would have been 40 today but in my eyes will remain the 19 years old she was when she left us....missed still every single day....loved always and forever....Happy Birthday Muffin.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
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